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Anthony Sinclair, William Trade, Matthew Stocks – Cryptocurrency Investing & Bitcoin

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Are you interested in cryptocurrency investment but don’t know how to begin and ace it? This book can be of great help to you!
The book focuses on Cryptocurrency Investing , and you can surely learn a lot in advancing your moves.
As you know, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies are currently on fire. A lot of people are cashing in on this new and innovative way of making money. If you plan to get into cryptocurrencies, this guide will help you make the right choices and investments. The cryptocurrency movement is in a huge boom right now. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are moving fast and furious. But this space is not for the faint of heart. We’re talking about the wild, wild west of finance, where there is money to be made.
There’s a lot of information out there about blockchain, and not all of it is accurate or complete. So we’ll give you the straight scoop on how to invest in the cryptocurrency market and where to start.
This book shows you how to invest in cryptocurrency safely. You will learn how to give yourself the best chance for a successful, lucrative investment.
It’s divided into two thematic areas: the first part is about the Blockchain and the main topics of cryptocurrencies.
The second part is an overview of all the most important and curious cryptos. They are described in their main features and explained how to invest and why.
For sure there is the Bitcoin Analysis and all you need to know about exchanges and the stock market
It covers:

The blockchain basics and how to optimize all your investments
Understanding the reasons to invest in cryptocurrencies: why is it so on fire today?!
Understanding the technical and fundamental analysis in cryptotrading
How to… advanced cryptotrading with success
Create a crypto strategy that matches your goals
Tools and advice
Bitcoin and all the news 2021-22
Altcoin: what is it and why is so important
Crypto art: art is a way to invest so why don’t think about this innovative way?
NFT: differences and advantages for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
Ethereum: are you sure you have already optimized the use of this crypto?
…And much more!

Take advantage of reading this manual, to master cryptocurrency investing fully.
Be a very intelligent investor and learn the strategies from the best Traders in the market.

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